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We have a great catechism program in our parish including class for preparation to make First Confession and receiving the Holy Communion. We welcome all to our classes! Message/call us for more info!
Mrs. Debbie Marco is the director of Religious Education.

Apostleship of Prayer chapter was founded in our parish in 1931. Members meet monthly to pray the Rosary and have a meeting. They are active in sponsoring different events and visitations of the sick.
Every Tuesday we have a Bible study class to read and react to the Scripture especially letters of St. Paul. Class meets at the rectory (501 Summit Avenue) at 6:30PM. All welcome!

Our Ministries
We have the following ongoing outreach and religious programs at our parish.

A brand new Pack in the Reading, PA area.
In the cub scout program our goal is to provide the boys with a sense of value and belonging, a chance to show accountability and ways to work as a team through various experiences, Each cub scout will be given the opportunity to participate in activities such as hiking, camping, working on building projects and giving back to the community.
The program ...builds boys up both mentally and physically while also focusing on socialization and spiritual growth. Each skill that they may work on in scouting will help them overcome difficulties and challenges with courage and character throughout their lives.
Cub Master: Stephen Magrowski
Assistant Cub Master: Jarett Deisher
Assistant Cub Master: Angel Munoz
Commirtee Chair: Natasha Munoz
Den Mother: Rachel Magrowski
Treasurer: Rebecca Deisher
Secretary: Lori Magrowski

meetings are every Wednesday at 6:30PM in the lower part of the church
Catholic Charities holds monthly distributions of food to low income individuals and families at our church hall (211 Grace Street) starting at 10AM on Friday, February 24, 2017.