Church Hall
211 Grace Street
Reading PA 19611
12 PM - 9PM
12:00 PM -
3:00 PM
Church Hall
211 Grace Street
Reading PA 19611
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8:00 AM -
2:00 PM
Church Hall
211 Grace Street
Reading PA 19611
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ
We at the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Ukrainian Catholic Church strive to live and proclaim the Gospel of Our Lord Jesus Christ following the teachings ...of the Catholic Church. In his encyclical Ut Unum Sint (1995), Saint Pope John Paul II said, “the Church must breathe with her two lungs!”, that is the Western and Eastern Churches are inseparable parts of Catholic Church. We follow the Byzantine Catholic tradition: celebrate the Eucharist at the Divine Liturgy and provide the faithful with the sacraments and opportunity for prayer in communion with the Holy See of Rome. With our eyes always gazing to Heaven, we attain to help each other on our journey through this life, living as Jesus taught us and ministering to all those around us both within our own parish and in the community in which we serve. As we are rooted in the ancient Church tradition that was brought by the Ukrainian immigrants to the United States and kept by their descendants who founded our parish, we are also happy to show and share the rich culture and history of the Ukrainian people with all. We have our doors open for you to pray with us and experience the beauty of the Eastern Catholic Church. We welcome you to our parish!
[Ephesians 1:3]
Welcome to
Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Ukrainian Catholic Church
Вітаємо до
Української Греко-Католицької Церкви
Різдва Пресвятої Богородиці
Glory be to Jesus Christ! - Glory be forever!
Слава Ісусу Христу! - Слава навіки!
Who are we?
We are Catholic Christians
Our Lord Jesus Christ established only one Universal (Catholic) Church, of which He alone is the Head.
Our Lord entrusted His Church to His Apostles and their successors, under the primacy of the Apostle Peter. The spiritual father of the Christ’s Church on earth is the Universal Pontiff, Francis, Pope of Rome. He is the direct successor to the Apostle Peter, the chief pastor among all pastors of the Church. Pope Francis presides at St. Peter’s Basilica at the Vatican, in Rome.
Of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church (UGCC)
In the image of the Trinity, the one Universal (Catholic) Church exists as a communion (a family) of Particular Churches, which trace their origin to one of the Twelve Apostles. The Catholic Church today is a communion of twenty three Particular Churches.
The Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church is an autonomous Particular Church within the Catholic Church. It is the Catholic descendent of the Church of Kyiv, born of the Church of Constantinople (the Apostle Andrew), born of the Church of Jerusalem, born of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost Day.
The head and spiritual father of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church throughout the world is His Beatitude Sviatoslav Shevchuk, Major Archbishop of Kyiv and Halych, who presides at the Resurrection Cathedral in the city of Kyiv, Ukraine.
The Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church has established parishes, eparchies, exarchates and metropolia throughout the world: Europe (Ukraine, Poland, Russia, Italy, Ireland, England, Switzerland, Germany, France, Portugal, Spain); Asia (Kazakhstan, Russia), North America (Canada, United States); South America (Brazil, Argentina, Venezuala); Oceania (Australia, New Zealand).
Ukrainian Catholics in the United States
The spiritual father of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church in Canada is His Grace, Stefan Soroka, Metropolitan of Philadelphia, who presides at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in Philadelphia, PA.